Critical Attention: 2017 Year End Review

  With the year coming to a close, many people are creating (or have created) lists compiling all sorts of information regarding the games of the year. I’d like to try something different. I’m not really one to play recent games. Some of this is because I have a huge backlog that I’d like to […]

Inaccessible Gaming Part 2: Mechanics

Last time I talked about how video games have an accessibility issue on the hardware level, sometimes even before any purchases have been made. However, that is only one of the issues surrounding video games not being accessible. This time I will discuss how video games’ systems and mechanics are inaccessible, especially for people just […]

Windows 10 Gaming is a Joke

Three weeks ago, Microsoft hosted a sale on their Windows Store promoting Windows 10. They had a slew of apps and games priced down to $.10. I wasn’t interested in much but they had Hydro Thunder Hurricane and ilomilo+, both of which were games I had been interested in but never owned an Xbox 360. […]

Inaccessible Gaming Part 1: Hardware

It seems there has always been talk about finding ways for gaming to break out of its own little box. We used to discuss about how to get gaming into the mainstream but I think those days are over. Some of our largest games are costing more to make, and earning more in a launch […]

Has Google Lost Touch with the Tech World?

I really hate talking about Google twice in such a short period of time but it seems they are falling out of touch with their users and grossly misunderstanding the strengths and weaknesses of their own software. First was their atrocious Android Pay launch that, even currently, supports only a small pool of devices and […]

The Worst App Launch Ever?

Google has finally unveiled their redesigned NFC payment app today, aptly named Android Pay. As someone who has been using NFC payments since 2011 I was excited to see what Google had done to make Android Pay stand out against the competition, specifically Apple Pay. Instead I was greeted with one of the worst smartphone […]

Nostalgia Has Tainted Our Views of Sonic

Booting up the game I mash the start button trying to skip the intros and get through the main menu so I can actually play the game. After what seems like an eternity I am greeted to a beautiful vista filled with dancing flowers and towering trees. A vast body of water rests next to […]

An Exercise in Inclusivity: Defenders of Townsville

Usually tie-in games based on franchises aimed at children fail…horribly. These games are usually filled with poor platforming physics, repetitive combat, and boring puzzles — if you can even call them that. Needless to say, my expectations going into radiangames’ Powerpuff Girls: Defenders of Townsville were pretty low, and I was blown away. Instead of […]

CSGO: Conflicting Design Choices

There has been an obvious miscommunication over at Valve. Well, that is to say I doubt there was any communication at all. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive received two new features in the recent “Operation Bloodhound” update, a rank system upgraded through XP gained in matches and missions that provide XP for playing matches in a specific […]

Linux Is the Vegan of the Tech World

It recently dawned on me that my adventure into a vegan diet drew many parallels with my switch from Windows to Linux. Both endeavors forced me outside of my comfort zone allowing me room to experiment in environments where complacency used to rule. This new experimentation lead to learning more about myself and about the […]